Musical Director
Stuart Mitchell
Stuart Mitchell graduated in 2012 with a Masters in Composition and has recently completed his PhD at Edinburgh Napier University. He is an active singer and composer based in Edinburgh, singing with a number of choirs around the city, currently holding a post as lay clerk at The Robin Chapel. His musical influences range from Bach to Bowie, with a keen interest in Dubstep and Drum & Bass. This is Stuart's first conducting post and he is delighted to be working with such a fun and diverse group of people such as the Edinburgh City Singers!
Photograph: rhonachristie.com

Eun Joo Yoon
Joo's real name is Eun-Joo but she has long since given up hope that her full name will be pronounced correctly when she meets people. Some attempt to say it with a French accent and some find it hard to call for her in any public areas, which provides her with much amusement. She grew up in Edinburgh, went down to King's College London to pursue a music degree, and has found herself coming back home (the withdrawal symptoms became too severe). As the Americans say, she "majored" in violin at university, but was always dabbling with piano - she once got into the finals of the 1st Glasgow International Competition for Young Pianists whilst at school. She was very much brought up in the classical music world but playing for a choir that sings all sorts has proved to be good fun.

Founder & Director (2014 - 2016)
Michelle Anthony-Cresswell
Michelle is the founder and original director of the Edinburgh City Singers. She has been running community choirs for over 10 years and initially founded the Oxford City Singers back in 2009, which is still one of Oxford's leading community singing groups. Michelle is now running two new members of the 'Singers' family: the Bath City Singers and the West Wiltshire Singers.
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A little bit about us...
We are the choir that fits around your life! Our membership style is designed to work with you; no auditions are required before you join and absolutely anyone is welcome to come along and sing! We don't ask you to pay up front for a month, a term, or a year, and we don't charge you a re-joining fee if you haven't been for a few months. You simply pay for each session, as and when you attend. The weekly charge is £5.
There are many excellent choirs in Edinburgh, catering to a whole range of musical tastes, but if you haven't yet found the one for you, perhaps we can offer you what you're looking for. To find out where and when we meet, visit the Rehearsals page.
We don't hold auditions to join the choir, and you don't have to be able to sing to any particular level - you also don't need to be able to read music. The choir welcomes a whole mixture of members: those who have been in choirs previously, those who have only ever sung in the shower, some who do not read music...all different abilities.
We sing arrangements of pop songs (old and new), themes from musicals, the odd folk-song or well-known classical piece, and popular classics at Christmas. Check out the Music tab to see what's planned for this term.
We host two concerts a year - one in Summer and one at Christmas time. We also occasionally take part in charity events. If you only want to come and sing weekly, and aren't interested in performing, that's not a problem at all - we'd still love to see you at rehearsals!
Take a look at what we do!
Edinburgh City Singers is committed to protecting our members' information. Please read our Data Protection and Retention Policy here.